
kiss under arch, in black and white How does one capture the events of a wedding day in timeless photographs? At ebophoto,

  • we start with strong technical photography skills - your wedding day is not the time for your photographer to be practicing a new technique,
  • next, we add careful observation - to find the memorable moments in a hectic day takes a patient eye,
  • then, we throw in handfuls of storytelling - sequences of pictures may convey more than a single frame, or vice versa,
  • and finally, we mix it all together with art - experience and intuition allow us to create pictures, not just take them.

favours In support, our essential tools are:

  • communication - face-to-face meetings and attendance at the rehearsal are critical to understanding your needs and expectations,
  • professional digital cameras and equipment - we carry backups of everything that we use so that no moment is lost due to an unexpected equipment failure, and
  • high-quality papers and albums - using only the finest materials guarantees that your memories will last for lifetimes to come.

copetown woods

If you'd like to hear from other brides and grooms that have worked with us, we would be happy to arrange that - just let us know! We also have a few testimonials from recent newlyweds.

Further Information

Please contact us to discuss your wedding photography needs and to book your wedding date.